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Making a World of Difference

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There are many resources available to help you get started with assistive technology.

As a quick introduction, you can review our definitions of assistive technology and unique product classification. Read more...

You can read our recommended books covering key assistive technology topics. They may answer your questions, increase your knowledge, or help you build new skills. Learn more...

You can interact with hundreds of healthcare professionals and special educators through our assistive technology discussion forum. Whether you have a question to ask, or advice to give, just post a message on the board and see how others respond. Learn more...

To stay abreast of the latest developments in assistive technology, you can subscribe to receive our FREE quarterly newsletter. Learn more...


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If you'd like information, tips, or referrals on viable assistive technology for your particular needs, our team of AT specialists can help you. Learn more...

Order ENABLE today!

Assistive Technology Resources and Links

Whether you're looking for assistive solutions for yourself or someone else, have questions about assistive technology, or want to stay informed of the latest advancements in technologies for people with disabilities, you've come to the right place. Our extensive resources and links can help you find relevant information on assistive technology, quickly and effectively.

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AT Product Finder Find assistive technology solutions Hot
Find assistive solutions for your needs, receive expert advice to choose appropriate devices with information on where to find them, how much they cost, and more.

AT Links Library Search our assistive technology links library
Search for assistive devices in our collection of assistive technology web sites organized by disability type, and access the largest product catalogs, databases, and vendor directories available on the Internet.

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Look for answers in our discussion forum dedicated to assistive technology. Messages posted by others may answer your questions or address your issue.


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Post questions in our AT forum and seek advice from others. You can interact with a broad community of rehabilitation professionals and persons with disabilities.

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Share your knowledge and experiences in our AT forum by answering questions posted by others. There is a good chance that someone will benefit from the information you pass on.


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AT Events and Training Locate conferences and training events
Browse our calendar of events focused on assistive technology, and locate conferences, expositions, and other training opportunities.

AT Books and Videos Review our selection of books and videos New
Check out our latest selection of books and videos on assistive technology, read our editorial reviews, and watch documentaries from your computer.

What's Assistive Technology? Learn about assistive technology
Find practical definitions of assistive technology illustrated with examples of products and services grouped by families and disability type.

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Updated March 22, 2004

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