Privacy Pledge
At rehabtool.com, we are committed to protecting your online privacy. We will never disclose, share, or sell any personal information received from you with third-parties.
We collect personal information about yourself when you order products or services from our web site, such as your name, email address, and phone number. Any personal information communicated voluntarily to us is treated strictly as confidential and is not used for any purpose other than contacting you regarding your orders and inquiries. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children.
For your protection, all information provided to us is stored securely offline, and we have established physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect it against loss, misuse or alteration. We do not store "cookies" on your computer.
Our privacy policy adheres to the Safe Harbor framework developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce. We comply with the privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and abide by the Online Privacy Alliance guidelines. Our web site is P3P-enabled and conforms with the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) specification. The P3P is a privacy rating standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to inform web users of a site's privacy practices.
We absolutely do not send unsolicited commercial email and have a zero tolerance policy for "spam". We actively fight Internet abuse with SpamCop, UXN Spam Combat and Anti-Spam!. We report all unsolicited email advertisements to the Federal Trade Commission and the Spam Recycling Center. We are a member of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE), the world's largest advocacy organization dedicated to ending unsolicited commercial email through education and legislation.
To promote Internet privacy and anonymity, we support the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a well-known advocate for the rights to online privacy.
For questions or comments about our privacy practices, or to review or update your personal information, please contact privacy@rehabtool.com.
Internet Safety
We are committed to making the Internet a safer place for children and protecting them from potentially harmful material. Our web site is completely safe for viewing by minors. It has been rated as Safe for Children by the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). Our site also rated with SafeSurf as Safe for All Ages, and was approved by
Net Nanny and CYBERsitter for being family-friendly.
Our web site uses Google's SafeSearch filtering technology to block web pages containing inappropriate content from appearing in our Google search results.
We joined the GetNetWise coalition, an initiative of the Internet Education Foundation offering resources and tools to help ensure that families have safe and educational online experiences. We also support the Internet Safety program from CyberAngels in creating a user-friendly and safe online surfing experience for everyone.
To learn how to stay safe on the web, be sure to read the vital safety tips provided below for kids, parents and educators.
Online Shopping Safety
To guarantee your online shopping safety and security, all credit card information submitted through our web site is encrypted and data transmission is maintained in a secure environment using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. We do not store or retain your credit card information after sales transactions are completed.
Online payments are handled through ClickBank, our authorized credit card processing service. ClickBank is a member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has a proven track record of reliability for processing credit card payments safely and securely over the Internet. ClickBank has also an excellent ethical reputation and enforces a strict privacy policy.
We encourage you to thoroughly investigate a company and its products before making a purchase. Be sure to read the Safety Tips for Online Shopping from the Federal Trade Commission as well as the Internet Fraud Watch Tips.
For online payment inquiries or questions, contact sales@rehabtool.com.
Quality Standards and Ethics
We are committed to delivering best-in-class products and services to ensure your complete satisfaction. Our team of Assistive Technology specialists is composed of experienced professionals trained and certified by RehabTool.com. For quality assurance, all our products are built using best-practice design methodologies and passed rigorous inspections. We comply with the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 4 of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).
We observe the HON Code of Conduct of the Health On the Net Foundation and fully support their initiative to help improve the quality of medical and health information available on the Internet.
We are dedicated to fighting telemarketing and Internet fraud, and to instituting fraud prevention policies. We are a charter member of the Worldwide E-Commerce Fraud Prevention Network. In our effort to promote ethical Internet commerce, we also support the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC), a program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) dedicated to helping Internet fraud victims.
Charity and Community Support
We care about our community and are committed to enhancing the lives of children and adults with disabilities. We contribute 5 percent of our earnings to premier charitable organizations member of the Community Health Charities (CHC). The Community Health Charities is a respected charitable federation making a significant impact on the life of people affected by diseases, disabilities, and other health issues in our communities.
We are a member of the Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) and fully support their mission to connect children and adults with disabilities to technology tools. We are a volunteer member of the World Association of Persons with Disabilities (WAPD). Being ourselves caregivers for a disabled family member, we joined the National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA). Read more...

We believe that every child deserves a healthy and secure future. We support Save the Children, an international non-profit child assistance organization that helps improve the health conditions of children and families in need, and operates health, education and humanitarian response programs worldwide. We also joined UNICEF Alert!, a program of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
We participate in the The Smile Train program, an international children's charity and medical education organization dedicated to helping millions of children in the world suffering from cleft lips and palates. Read more...
Web Accessibility
Our Bobby Approved web site is fully accessible to people with disabilities and complies with Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act. It conforms with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (Level A) specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and was approved by the Center of Applied Technology (CAST).
We proudly display the Web Access Symbol of the CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM). Our site meets the WebAIM disability access standards. Additionally, we joined the campaign for a non-browser specific WWW and designed our web site viewable with any browser.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The information available from this web site or mailed to you, is not to be a substitute for professional advice and is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patient and health care provider. We do not diagnose health conditions or offer medical advice. Do not rely upon any of the information or links provided on this web site for medical diagnosis or treatment. Any medical or other decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified health care provider.
All contents of this web site, as well as any information mailed to you, are provided for educational and informational purposes only, without warranty of any kind, and does not imply endorsement or recommendation by RehabTool LLC. We assume no responsibility or liability for any information, links, products or services available from this web site or mailed to you, or your reliance upon it. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party web sites to which we may link.
RehabTool.com is an independently owned and operated web site that is privately funded by RehabTool LLC.
Links to external resources and third-party organizations available from this web site or mailed to you, are not sponsored and do not represent a source of funding. We are not commercially or financially affiliated with the external resources and third-party organizations whose links appear in this web site.
This helps us preserve our editorial integrity and allows us to maintain an objective and unbiased position when expressing opinions, offering advice or making recommendations about third-party products or services.
Copyright and Trademarks
All contents of this web site are:
Copyright © 1994-2004 RehabTool LLC. All rights reserved.
You are prohibited from using any of the content or marks appearing throughout this web site without express written permission from RehabTool LLC except as permitted by applicable laws.
All logos, graphics, trademarks and other marks that appear throughout this web site are owned by RehabTool LLC and are protected by U.S. and international trademark laws. RehabTool®, RehabTool.com®, Vocalize®, iVocalize™, Visualize™, iVisualize™, Sensorize™, iSensorize™, FreeSearch™, QuickSearch™, NonstopSearch™, ValueSearch™, "World-class Assistive Technology Making a World of Difference" are trademarks and service marks of RehabTool LLC. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.