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Most likely because your browser did not reload the page. Return to the message board and click your browser's Reload or Refresh button.
Do I have to register before I can post?
No. Our message board is easily and freely accessible to everyone. You are not required to register, join any mailing list, or sign in with a password in order to participate in discussions or post your questions.
Can I put HTML tags in my posts?
Yes. You can use HTML tags in the Message part of your postings. This allows you to add web links to your text and format your messages to your liking.
Welcome to the rehabtool.com online community, a place where you can ask questions, seek advice from professionals, express your opinions, and engage in discussions with others who share your interests. The online community experience is best when everyone follows a few house rules. Here are some key ones to remember:
- This forum is for discussion and announcement purposes only.
- Discussions and announcements must be related to any of the following topics: assistive or adaptive technology, self-help devices for the disAbled, assisted living, accessibility, universal design, rehabilitation therapy, special education, special needs, disability issues.
- Messages that are off-topic or contain advertisements, solicitations or offensive language will be removed.
- Messages posted may be viewed by anyone on the Internet. Don't post any personal or private information you don't want others to see.
- Message board users are solely responsible for the content they post or their reliance upon any content posted by others. RehabTool.com assumes no responsibility or liability for any content, links, and other information posted in the message board.
- Content of the message board is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Any medical or other decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified healthcare provider.
- If you have questions or comments about this forum or need assistance using the message board, please contact community@rehabtool.com.
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